Vote 1 Local Jobs - Working for Western Victoria8 September 2014


Thousands of Warrnambool district jobs will be lost and the jumps racing industry killed off if The Greens are elected in south-west Victoria.

On the day of Warrnambool’s last jumps race meet for the season, Vote 1 Local Jobs founder James Purcell is encouraging south-west voters to be aware of the very real threat.

“The Greens have made their position on jumps racing painfully clear; if they are elected jumps racing faces certain death,” Mr Purcell said.

“They are putting a huge effort into winning the coveted fifth seat in the Western District’s Upper House and if they do it’s goodbye to jumps racing.

“They would have the balance of power and control what happens throughout Victoria.”

The Greens are confident of winning this seat and last week presented a petition to parliament calling on the Government to ban jumps racing in south-west Victoria.

It is believed the jumps racing industry supports about 2500 direct south-west jobs and injects $20 million into our local economy.

“At this year’s May Racing Carnival more than 1400 people signed a petition I had supporting jumps racing. I urge those who haven’t already signed to go to and sign the petition – if I am elected I will table it to Parliament.

“It’s vital the community understands how important their Upper House vote is. There are always two Labor and two Liberal representatives elected to the Upper House. The fifth seat is typically taken by a minor party – if The Greens take this spot it’s the death knell for jumps racing.”

Vote 1 Local Jobs is fighting to be south-west Victoria’s voice and take the coveted fifth spot n the Upper House. Mr Purcell is currently undertaking a membership drive to achieve the 500 members necessary to register the party.

“Vote 1 Local Jobs is a devout supporter of jumps racing. Support us to support this crucial industry for south-west Victoria.”

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